Tuesday, February 3, 2009

" It seems to me that, I mean, except for being a little mentally ill, she's pretty normal." -Sam

I watched Benny and Joon today. That movie is so inspirational. I love the costumes. The stuff Johnny Depp wears is straight from the pages of my diary :)And Joons clothing is very oldies and free spirited. And GOD the cinematography!!! The opening credits are the most magical thing ever.

And the script of that movie is really magic. I'm not gonna lie this scene just KILLS me:

Sam: I'm Sam.
Benny: So I hear. I'm Benny.
Sam: With an 'n'?
Benny: Yea two of 'em. This is Joon.
Sam: With an 'n'?
Joon: One. You're out of your tree.
Sam: It's not my tree.

LOVE IT. Johnny Depp is always so wonderful.

Just the besest love story. Except maybe R&J. Definately better than Twilight.

All pics ARE NOT MINE. They are promotional/stills of the motion picture Benny & Joon.

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