Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Exerpt from "this isn't my world" everything by yours truly

She walked the woods the earth and stars
and as she walked oft she stopped
she sat down by a tree dampened by springs first rain
she closed her eyes

suddenly it was a whole new world!
the smell of the moss at the base of the log, the flowers and new sprouts
the rustle of the deers eating in the forest ahead
a jack rabbit rustling in the underbrush the twitter of birds spoke a new language
the bugs on twig and the wind in the trees
the touch of the ant climbing her leg and her skirt beneath her hands

the feel of the cold wind's slap to her face
And slowly the girl opened her eyes

but the world had disapeared. No where to be found. In it's place a new strange land of beauty. Every color brighter every detail sharper. And she lifted her face to the sky.

THE SUN! What glory! What light! the girl replied to the heavenly call.
"This isn't my world no not at all."

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